Study on Social Justice in Vietnam

Social Justice, Vietnam | 13.11.2014

Study on Social Justice in Vietnam

Viet Nam’s socio-economic development record during the past two decades has been remarkable. It has gone from being a poor, underdeveloped and centrally-planned economy, to attain middle income status, on the back of a very dynamic economy and a vibrant society. Gains in living standards have been equitably shared across most segments of the population, greatly contributing to poverty reduction and social development. Viet Nam has also made significant progress with respect to other important aspects of its socioeconomic development, including in areas such as social policy, governance, health and education, etc. As Viet Nam becomes a middle-income country (MIC), new development challenges are emerging. In this context, efforts need to be directed towards ensuring increased quality of life, social equity, people’s resilience to shocks and the voice and participation of all Vietnamese people in the development process, if Viet Nam is to continue on a path of social and broad-based human development, and avoid the so-called middle-income trap. In this baseline desk study, the author Vu Ngoc Binh provides interesting insights into Vietnam’s recent social situation as well as ideas for a future engagement of RLS in Vietnam.


Publisher: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Author: Vu Ngoc Binh

Date: 2014-11-13

Pages: 73

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